You Can Make Quality Control Profitable
- Manage quality
- Consolidate information
- Save time
- Improve results at the bottom line
Quality Control for Your Ready Mix Operations
You Can Make Quality Control Profitable
“Mix submittals used to take 30 minutes per submittal and required digging through data and excel spreadsheets. Now with COMMANDqc, we can have a mix submittal out within a couple of minutes and the data is accurate and real-time.”
Jeremy Sloan
Ohio Ready Mix
Make mass mix adjustments in minutes instead of days. Monitor your batches in real time to reduce out-of-tolerance loads.
All the tools you need to manage materials, mixes, tolerances, documentation, and testing and analysis in one location.
Demonstrate that your raw materials conform to supplier and customer requirements. Optimize concrete mixes to comply with strength, durability and aggregate grading requirements while controlling mix costs.
Savings per 100,000 cubic yards